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Utopia Planitia Gallery

Desktop backgrounds

This sections exclusively offers numerous detailed scene compositions of the most important CGI models which have been developed in the Utopia Planitia project for free download. The files are always JPEG compressed and avaiable for the resolutions 800x600 and 1024x768 pixels. Enjoy!

Utopia Planitia Station The Chimera class Chimera versus Borg 1
800x600 pixels (151 KB) 800x600 pixels (129 KB) 800x600 pixels (170 KB)
1024x768 pixels (223 KB) 1024x768 pixels (201 KB) 1024x768 pixels (242 KB)
Chimera versus Borg 2 Chimera on the rocks The Icarus class
800x600 pixels (188 KB) 800x600 pixels (164 KB) 800x600 pixels (141 KB)
1024x768 pixels (257 KB) 1024x768 pixels (236 KB) 1024x768 pixels (214 KB)


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